2025年3月26日 星期三
叶茂 研究员









主要围绕国家在煤化工和石油化工领域的需求,开展催化新过程的开发及反应器放大研究。参加了神华包头世界首套甲醇制烯烃(DMTO)装置的投料开车、甲醇制烯烃第二代(DMTO-II)技术工业性试验及首套工业装置投料开车;负责了甲醇制烯烃第三代(DMTO-III)技术、甲醇制丙烯(DMTP)技术等中试放大。主持国家重点研发计划,国家自然科学基金重点项目、重大研究计划集成项目,中科院战略先导专项,BPSABIC等国际合作课题多项。在NatureComm.AIChEJ.CESI&ECR等期刊上发表学术论文80余篇,申请专利150余件,授权40余件。曾获全国百篇优秀博士论文提名论文、中科院杰出成就奖、中国石化联合会科技进步特等奖、中国化工学会侯德榜科技创新奖等。入选辽宁省“十百千高端人才引进工程”(2012),大连市优秀专家(2013)、辽宁省“百千万人才计划”百层次(2015)、英国皇家学会Newton Advanced Fellowship2015),科技部创新人才计划中青年科技领军人才(2016),张大煜优秀学者(2017等。


1. 气固两相流的多尺度模型:采用多尺度CFD模拟方法研究工业流化床催化反应器流体动力学;开发气固流化床反应器模型。

2. 气固两相流非扰动测量技术:研究和开发适合于工业流化床装置的光、电非扰动测量技术。

3. 气固流态化技术与应用:催化裂化、甲醇制烯烃等流态化工艺的优化;其它流态化催化新工艺开发与放大。


1. Mingbin Gao, Hua Li, Wenjuan Liu, Zhaochao Xu, Shichao Peng, Miao Yang, Mao Ye,and Zhongmin Liu. Imaging spatiotemporal evolution of molecules and active sites in zeolite catalyst during methanol-to-olefins reaction. Nature Communications, 2020, 11: 3461

2. Jiajia Liu, Chenggong Li, Mao Ye, and Zhongmin Liu. The rotation of 2D elliptical porous particles in a simple shear flow with fluid inertia.Physics of Fluids,2020,32: 043305

3. Qiang Guo, Mao Ye, Wuqiang Yang, and Zhongmin Liu. A machine learning approach for electrical capacitance tomography measurement of gas-solids fluidized beds.AIChE Journal, 2019, 65: e16583.

4. Hua Li, Xiaoshuai Yuan, Mingbin Gao,Mao Ye, and Zhongmin Liu. Study of catalyst coke distribution based on population balance theory: application to methanol to olefins process.AIChE Journal, 2019, 65: 1149-1161.

5. Xiaoshuai Yuan, Hua Li,Mao Ye, and Zhongmin Liu. Kinetic modeling of methanol to olefins process over SAPO-34 catalyst based on the dual-cycle reaction mechanism.AIChE Journal,2019, 65:662-674

6. Mingbin Gao, Hua Li, Mao Ye, Miao Yang, Pengfei Wu, Peng Tian, and Zhongmin Liu. Direct quantification of surface barriers for mass transfer in nanoporous crystalline materials.Communication Chemistry, 2019,2: 43.

7. Qiang Guo, Shuanghe Meng, Dehu Wang, Yinfeng Zhao,Mao Ye, Wuqiang Yang, and Zhongmin Liu. Investigation of gas-solids bubbling fluidized bed by electrical capacitance tomography with a modified Tikhonov regularization reconstruction technique.AIChE Journal, 2018, 64: 29-41.

8. Xiaoshuai Yuan, Hua Li,Mao Ye, and Zhongmin Liu, 2017. Comparative study of MTO kinetics over SAPO-34 catalyst in fixed and fluidized bed reactors.Chemical Engineering Journal, 329: 35-44

9. Chenggong Li,Mao Ye, and Zhongmin Liu. On the rotation of porous particle in simple shear flow with fluid inertia.Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2016, 808: R3

10. Hua Li,Mao Ye, and Zhongmin Liu. A multi-region model for reaction-diffusion process within a porous catalyst pellet.Chemical Engineering Science,2016, 147: 1-12

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