2025年3月25日 星期二
章福祥 研究员;杰青;优青








章福祥,男,江西籍,太阳能制储氢材料与催化研究组(DNL1621,课题组主页:www.zhanglab.dicp.ac.cn组长。英国皇家化学会会士,百千万人才工程国家级人选,获得“具有突出贡献中青年专家”称号,享受国务院特殊津贴。1995-2004年于南开大学攻读学士学位和博士学位,随后留校任教,2007 -2011年于巴黎第六大学和东京大学先后做博士后研究,2011年10月回国入所工作。

     主要从事太阳能光化学转化研究,包括光/电催化分解水制氢、二氧化碳还原和合成氨等方面,涉及光/电催化新材料智能开发与精准合成、原位表征与催化反应机理研究等内容。已在 Nat. Catal.,Nat. Commun.,Joule,J. Am. Chem. Soc.,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Adv. Mater. 等期刊发表系列高水平学术论文。主持承担国家基金委杰出青年基金,重点项目;科技部重点研发专项;中国科学院“B类”先导等项目。


1. Efficient overall water splitting of a suspended photocatalyst boosted by metal-support interaction.Joule,2024,8,193-203.

2. Single Atom Iridium Decorated Nickel Alloys Supported on Segregated MoO2 for Alkaline Water Electrolysis. 

Advanced Materials,2023,e2305437.

3. Insight into the Key Restriction of BiVO4 Photoanodes Prepared by Pyrolysis Method for Scalable Preparation. 

Angewandte Chemie International Edition,2023,62,e202308729.

4. Layered β-ZrNBr nitro-halide as multifunctional photocatalyst for water splitting and CO2 reduction. 

Angewandte Chemie International Edition,2023,62,e202214273.

5. Single Atom Bi Decorated Copper Alloy Enables C-C Coupling for Electrocatalytic Reduction of CO2 into C2+ Products. 

Angewandte Chemie International Edition,2023,e202303048.

6. Saturated Ti-coordinated {001} facets-dependent photocatalytic water reduction over NH2-MIL-125(Ti) sheets: Observation and unraveling of facets effect. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,2023,338,123094.

7. Revealing the effects of transition metal doping on CoSe cocatalyst for enhancing photocatalytic H2 production. 

Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,2023,328,122503. 

8. Rational design of heterogenized molecular phthalocyanine hybrid single-atom electrocatalyst towards two-electron oxygen reduction. Nature Communications,2023,14,1426.

9. Metallic Powder Promotes Nitridation Kinetics for Facile Synthesis of (oxy)nitride Photocatalysts. Advanced Materials,2023,e2302276. 

10. Confirming High-Valent Iron as Highly Active Species of Water Oxidation on the Fe,V-Coupled Bimetallic Electrocatalyst.

Journal of the American Chemical Society,2023,145,12206.

11. Water-Stable Nickel Metal-Organic Framework Nanobelts for Cocatalyst-Free Photocatalytic Water Splitting to Produce Hydrogen. Journal of the American Chemical Society,2022,144,2747.

12. Unraveling of cocatalysts photodeposited selectively on facets of BiVO4 to boost solar water splitting. 

Nature Communications,2022,13: 484.

13. Synthesis of a Visible-Light-Responsive Perovskite SmTiO2N Bifunctional Photocatalyst via an Evaporation-Assisted Layered-Precursor Strategy. Advanced Materials,2021,e2101883.

14. Artificial Photosynthesis near the Biological Limit,Artificial Photosynthesis near the Biological Limit. Joule,2020,4,1364.

15.Heterostructure of 1D Ta3N5 nanorod/BaTaO2N nanoparticle fabricated by a one-step ammonia thermal route for remarkably promoted solar hydrogen production. Advanced Materials,2019,31,180818.

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