朱雪峰 研究员








    朱雪峰,男,博士,研究员,博士生导师2001年毕业于北京师范大学,获理学学士学位;2007毕业于中国科学院大连化物所获得物理化学博士学位。毕业后留所工作,历任助理研究员、副研究员、研究员。其间于2008年在美国亚利桑那州立大学Jerry Lin教授课题组做博士后。主要研究方向:(1)致密混合导体膜用于气体分离;(2)高温固态电化学;(3)催化膜反应器。Sci. Adv., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Adv. Mater., AIChE J.等高水平学术期刊上发表研究论文130余篇,获授权发明专利24件,H因子43。获得辽宁省自然科学奖一等奖,辽宁省自然科学学术成果一等奖、中国科学院青年创新促进会优秀会员、大连化物所“张大煜优秀学者”等奖励和荣誉称号。


1. Shiqing Hu, Ryan O’Hayre*, Xuefeng Zhu* et al., Mapping a thermodynamic stability window to prevent detrimental reactions during CO2 electrolysis in solid oxide electrolysis cells, Appl. Catal. B: Environ. 324 (2023) 122239

2. Yue Zhu, Dongdong Liu, Huijuan Jing, Xuefeng Zhu*, Weishen Yang* et al., Oxygen activation on Ba-containing perovskite materials, Sci. Adv. 8 (2022) eabn4072

3. Lixiao Zhang, Xiaobao Li, Jianmin Lu, Xuefeng Zhu* et al., In situ dispersed nano-Au on Zr-suboxides as active cathode for direct CO2 electroreduction in solid oxide electrolysis cells, Nano Lett. 21 (2021) 6952−6959

4. Peng Zhang, Jingjing Tong, Kevin Huang*, Xuefeng Zhu*, Weishen Yang, The current status of high temperature electrochemistry-based CO2 transport membranes and reactors for direct CO2 capture and conversion, Prog. Energy Combust. Sci. 82 (2021) 100888

5. Lili Cai, Xiao-Yu Wu, Xuefeng Zhu*, Ahmed F. Ghoniem, Weishen Yang, High‐performance oxygen transport membrane reactors integrated with IGCC for carbon capture, AIChE J. 66 (2020) e16247

6. Xuefeng Zhu, Weishen Yang*, Microstructural and interfacial designs of oxygen–permeable membranes for oxygen separation and reaction–separation coupling, Adv. Mater. 31 (2019) 1902547

7. Wenping Li, Xuefeng Zhu*, Weishen Yang* et al., H2S-tolerant oxygen-permeable ceramic membranes for hydrogen separation with a performance comparable to those of palladium-based membranes, Energy Environ. Sci. 10 (2017) 101–106

8. Wenping Li, Xuefeng Zhu*, Shuguang Chen, Weishen Yang*, Integration of nine steps into one membrane reactor to produce synthesis gases for ammonia and liquid fuel, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 55 (2016) 8566 –8570

9. Yan Liu, Xuefeng Zhu*, Mingrun Li, Ryan P. O’Hayre, Weishen Yang*, Nanoparticles at grain boundaries inhibit the phase transformation of perovskite membrane, Nano Lett. 15 (2015) 7678−7683

10.Yan Liu Xuefeng Zhu*, Mingrun Li, Weishen Yang*, Stabilization of low-temperature degradation in mixed ionic and electronic conducting perovskite oxygen permeation membranes, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 52 (2013) 3232 –3236

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