张晓哲 研究员








张晓哲,研究员,博士生导师,2004于中国科学院大连化学物理研究所获得分析化学博士学位,2005年受德国马普协会奖学金资助在生物控制论研究所(Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics)做博士后研究,2009年在瑞士弗里堡大学 (University of Fribourg)博士后研究,20133月加入中国科学院大连化学物理研究所,2014年获得马普伙伴小组计划支持。




  1. Sara Falasca, Vaclav Ranca, Filomena Petruzziello, Abbas Khania, Robert Kretza, Xiaozhe Zhang*, Gregor Rainer. Altered neurochemical levels in the rat brain following chronic nicotine treatment. Journal of Anatomical Chemistry, 2014, 59-60C:29-35.

    2. Xiaozhe Zhang, Filomena Petruzziello, Gregor Rainer*. Extending the scope of neuropeptidomics in the mammalian brain. EuPA Open Proteomics, 2014, 3, 273.

  3. Filomena Petruzziello, Sara Falasca, Robert Kretz, Per Andren, Gregor Rainer, Xiaozhe Zhang*. Chronic nicotine regulates neuropeptides in rat striatum. Molecular and Cellular Proteomics. 2013, 12(6):1553-62.

  4. Xiaozhe Zhang*, Filomena Petruzziello, Fabio Zani, Laetitia Fouillen, Per E. Andren, Giovanni Solinas, Gregor Rainer. High identification rates of endogenous neuropeptides from mouse brain. Journal of Proteome Research. 2012, 11(5):2819-27.

  5. Filomena Petruzziello, Laetitia Fouillen, Henrik Wadensten, Robert Kretz, Per Andren, Gregor Rainer, Xiaozhe Zhang*. Extensive Characterization of Tupaia belangeri Neuropeptidome Using an Integrated Mass Spectrometric Approach. Journal of Proteome Research. 2012, 11(2):886-96.

  6. Laetitia Fouillen, Filomena Petruzziello, Robert Kretz, Xiaozhe Zhang*, Gregor Rainer. Neuropeptide alterations in the tree shrew hypothalamus during volatile anesthesia. Journal of Proteomics, 2013, 80:311-9.

  7. Vaclav Ranc, Filomena Petruzziello, Robert Kretz, Enrike G. Argando?a, Xiaozhe Zhang*, Gregor Rainer. Broad characterization of endogenous peptides in the tree shrew visual system. Journal of Proteomics. 2012, 75(9):2526-35.

  8. Juan Li, Veronika von Pf?stl, Daniel Zaldivar, Xiaozhe Zhang*, Nikos Logothetis and Alexander Rauch*. Measuring multiple neurochemicals and related metabolites in blood and brain of the rhesus monkey by using dual microdialysis sampling and capillary hydrophilic interaction chromatography-mass spectrometry. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 2012, 402(8):2545-54.

  9. Sara Falasca, Filomena Petruzziello, Robert Kretz, Gregor Rainer, Xiaozhe Zhang*. Semi-quantification of Multiple Quaternary Ammoniums in the Brain Using Tandem Capillary Column Separation and High Resolution Mass Spectrometric Detection. Journal of Chromatography A. 2012, 1241:46-51.

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