Prof. Guo’s research interests include: novel optically pumped laser system, solid state laser and Raman laser. Since 2011, Prof. Guo has obtained almost twenty fundings, such national natural science foundation, 863 project foundation, innovation foundation etc. During the past three years, prof. Guo has published more than 30 articles, applied more than 40 patents, and 10 patents were granted. Prof. Guo has trained 3 Ph.D students, and 5 M. Phil students and 1 post doc already.
1. D. zhou, J. Guo* et al.. Intracavity CH4 Raman laser using negative-branch unstable resonator”,, Opt. Comm. 49 Vol.356 (2015)
2. D. liu, J. Guo* et al., “The threshold reduction of SRS in deuterium by multi-pass configuration”, Opt. Comm., 36, Vol.379 (2016)
3. B. Gai, J. Guo* et al., “The response speed and fatigue characteristics of a pulsed 778nm→420nm conversion in rubidium vapor” Opt. Comm. 142 Vol 374 (2016)
4. B. Gai, J. Guo* et al., “Modulation of a double-line frequency up-conversion process in cesium vapor”, Appl. Phys. B 165 Vol.122 (2016)
5. H. Yuan, B. Gai, B.Guo et al. “Phase-interfacial stimulated Raman scattering generated in strongly pumped water”, Opt. lett. 3335 Vol.41(2016)
6. S. He, J. Guo*et al.,“Energy Transfer Kinetics Driven by Mid-infrared Amplified Spontaneous Emissions after Two-photon Excitation from Xe (s0) to the Xe (6p[1/2]0) State”, J. Phys. Chem. A, (2017), accepted DOI 10.1021/JPCA.7b01905.