1. Hongwei Li, Alexander Kamasah, Spiridoula Matsika, Arthur G. Suits*, “Intersystem crossing in the exit channel”, Nature Chemistry, 2019, 11, 123-128. (Highlighted by Cover)
2. Nathanael M. Kidwell#, Hongwei Li#, Xiaohong Wang#, Joel M. Bowman*, Marsha I. Lester*, "Unimolecular dissociation dynamics of vibrationally activated CH3CHOO Criegee intermediates to OH radical products", Nature Chemistry, 2016, 8, 509-514.
3. Chandika Amarasinghe, Hongwei Li, Chatura A. Perera, Matthieu Besemer, Junxiang Zuo, Chengjian Xie, Ad van der Avoid, Gerrit C. Groenenboom, Hua Guo, Jacek Klos, Arthur G. Suits*, “State-to-state scattering of highly vibrational excited NO at broadly tunable energies”, Nature Chemistry, 2020, 12, 528-534.
4. Hongwei Li, Arthur G. Suits*, “Universal crossed beam imaging studies of polyatomic reaction dynamics”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2020, 22, 111226-11138. (Selected as Cover and 2020 PCCP HOT Articles)
5. Hongwei Li, Yi Fang, Nathanael M. Kidwell, Joseph M. Beames, and Marsha I. Lester*, "UV photodissociation dynamics of the CH3CHOO Criegee intermediate: action spectroscopy and velocity map imaging of O-atom products", J. Phys. Chem. A, 2015, 119, 8328-8337.
(#Contributed equally and *Corresponding authors)