2025年3月27日 星期四
尧超群 研究员;优青








    尧超群,男,博士,研究员,博士生导师。2010年毕业于天津大学,获工学学士学位;2016年毕业于中国科学院大连化学物理研究所,获得化学工程专业博士学位。毕业后破格提拔为副研究员并留所工作至今,2021年晋升为研究员。研究方向:(1)微化工技术及过程强化,主要面向有机合成、医药合成、聚合反应等领域的应用研究;(2)多相流与乳液在反应、分离和微纳材料制备等领域的应用研究。在AIChE J.,Chem. Eng. Sci., Chem. Eng.J., Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.等学术期刊上发表论文50余篇,申请发明专利20余项。


1. L Ding,S Zhao,L Liu,W Wang,C Yao*,G Chen*. Characteristics of emulsion preparation in an ultrasonic microreactor: cavitation,droplet size and energy efficiency]. Chemical Engineering Journal,2024,484: 149462.

2. Z Zeng,Z Wang,Y Su, C Yao*,G Chen*. Liquid–liquid flow characteristics and mass transfer enhancement in a Taylor–Couette microreactor,AIChE Journal,2024,e18538.

3. Q Zhao, L Yang, C Yao*,G Chen*. Ultrasonic enhanced continuous crystallization: induction time and process control[J]. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,2023,62(47):20083-20095.

4. L Liu, C Yao*,S Zhao, Z Liu,G Chen*. Enhanced antisolvent processes in an ultrasonic capillary microreactor: Cavitation,mixing and application in mini-emulsion preparation[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal,2023,466: 143426.

5. L Liu, Z Liu,S Zhao,C Yao*,G Chen. The separation and enrichment of molecules with part amphipathy using a novel ultrasonic emulsion-enrichment method[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal,2022,444: 136682.

6. Yao CQ,Zhao YC,Ma HY,Liu YY,Zhao QK,Chen GW*. Two-phase flow and mass transfer in microchannels: A review from local mechanism to global models.Chemical Engineering Science,2021,223,115734.

7. Liu YY,Zhao QK,Yue J,Yao CQ*,Chen GW*. Effect of mixing on mass transfer characterization in continuous slugs and dispersed droplets in biphasic slug flow microreactors.Chemical Engineering Journal,2021,406,126885.

8. Zhao QK,Ma HY,Liu YY, Yao CQ*,Yang LX,Chen GW*. Hydrodynamics and mass transfer of Taylor bubbles flowing in non-Newtonian fluids in a microchannel.Chemical Engineering Science,2021,116299.

9. Zhu K,Yao CQ*,Liu Y,Chen GW*. Using expansion units to improve CO2 absorption for natural gas purification-a study on the hydrodynamics and mass transfer. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering,2021,doi.org/10.1016/j.cjche.2020.08.025

10. Liu YY,Yue J,Xu C,Zhao,SN,Yao,CQ*, Chen GW*. Hydrodynamics and local mass transfer characterization under gas–liquid–liquid slug flow in a rectangular microchannel. AIChE J, 2020,66,e16085.

11. Yao CQ,Zhao YC,Zheng J,Zhang Qi,Chen GW*. The effect of liquid viscosity and modeling of mass transfer in gas – liquid slug flow in a rectangular microchannel.AIChE J, 2020,66,e16934.

12. Zhu K,Yao CQ*,Liu Y,Chen GW*. Theoretical approach to CO2 absorption in microreactors and reactor volume prediction. Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensification,2020,107904.

13. Yao CQ,Ma HY,Zhao QK,Liu YY,Zhao YC,Chen GW*. Mass transfer in liquid-liquid Taylor flow in a microchannel: local concentration distribution,mass transfer regime and the effect of fluid viscosity. Chemical Engineering Science,2020,223,115734.

14. Yao CQ,Zheng J,Zhang Qi,Chen GW*. Characteristics of gas-liquid Taylor flow with different liquid viscosities in a rectangular microchannel. Chemical Engineering Journal,2019,373,437-445.

15. 尧超群,陈光文*,袁权。微通道内气-液两相传质过程行为及其应用.化工学报, 2019,70,3635-3644.

16. Zhang Q,Liu HC,Zhao SN,Yao CQ*,Chen GW*. Hydrodynamics and mass transfer characteristics of liquid–liquid slug flow in microchannels: The effects of temperature,fluid properties and channel size,Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019,358,794-805.

17. Yao CQ*Zhao YCChen GW*. Multiphase processes with ionic liquids in microreactors: hydrodynamics,mass transfer and applications. Chemical Engineering Science,2018,189,340-359.

18. Yao CQLiu YYChao XuZhao SNChen GW*. Formation of liquid-liquid slug flow in a microfluidic T-junction: Effects of fluid properties and leakage flow. AIChE Journal,2018,64,346-357.

19. Liu YYJun YueZhao SNYao CQ*Chen GW*. Bubble splitting under gas-liquid-liquid three-phase flow in a double T-junction microchannel. AIChE Journal,2018,64,376-388.

20. Yao CQ,Liu YY,Zhao SN,Dong ZY,Chen GW*. Bubble/droplet formation and mass transfer during gas-liquid-liquid segmented flow with soluble gas in a microchannel. AIChE Journal,2017,63,1727-1739.

21. Yao CQ,Kai Zhu,Liu YY,Liu HC,Jiao FJ,Chen GW*. Intensified CO2 absorption in a microchannel reactor under elevated pressures.Chemical Engineering Journal,2017,319,179-190.