关于专业选修课Process for the Production of Renewable Fuels and Chemicals from Biomass的开课通知


  应大家学习需要,我所特邀请美国威斯康辛大学George Willis Huber教授讲授“Process for the Production of Renewable Fuels and Chemicals from Biomass”专业选修课程,1学分。 


  Many large companies, startup companies, and government agencies are trying to start an industry that produces renewable fuels and chemicals from biomass.  This course will address several questions including: What are realistic options for biomass conversion?  Will biofuels really be able to replace large amounts of petroleum derived products?  Are biofuels really helping the environment? This course will evaluate these and many other questions by giving a holistic overview of the current technical, legal, business, and financial challenges and opportunities for the production of fuels and chemicals from biomass.  Students will learn how to use a chemical engineering approach to evaluate different renewable energy options that are being developed. 

  This course is divided up into three main sections: 1) Background of renewable energy; 2) Engineering Skills and 3) A Review of Biofuels Technology. 

  In the background section we will cover the following: 

  ·         An introduction to petroleum refining 

  ·         Fuel properties and the chemistry of liquid fuels 

  ·         The environmental dangers of fossil fuels 

  ·         The economics of fossil fuels 

  ·         Biomass resources 

  ·         US and EU legislation on biofuels 


  In the engineering tools section we will cover:  

  ·         Material and energy balances 

  ·         Life cycle analysis 

  ·         Economic analysis of chemical engineering processes 

  ·         Conceptual process design 

  ·         Scale up and commercialization of chemical engineering processes 

  ·         Heterogeneous and Biological catalysis  

  ·         Legal aspect of biofuels including US and EU legislation and Intellectual Property  


  In the last part of the course we will study different technologies for biomass conversion including:  

  ·         Fermentation of carbohydrates 

  ·         Conversion of triglyerides 

  ·         Catalytic conversion of carbohydrates 

  ·         Combustion of biomass 

  ·         Gasification and syn-gas conversion 

  ·         Cellulosic ethanol technologies 

  ·         Pyrolysis technologies  


  Students will gain an understanding of the process chemistry for biomass conversion and how chemical engineering tools are used in designing these processes.  Students will learn about the energy and petrochemical industry, the renewable energy industry and the challenges and chemical engineering tools that are required to bring new technologies to market. 





  Email : jiaoxue@dicp.ac.cn 

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